certificatesfor ISO9001 Quality Management System, IS014001 Environmental Management System, and 0HSAS18001 0ccupational Health and SafetyManagement System.

Our company has won many prices, such as NationaHigh-Tech Enterprise, AAA Credible Enterprise, AAA Qualfied Enterprise, Listed Company of the Provincial Equity Center, Drafting Company ofthe industry Standards, First Nationa Proect 0wner, 0utstanding Supplier of the Aerospace Technoloay Group, Jianasu Science and TechnoloaySME , Jjangsu Private Technology Enterprise, Changzhou Engineering Technology Research Center, Changzhou Wel-Known Brand,SecondPrize Owner of Jiangsu Science and Technology Award, Second Prize 0wner of Petrochemical Federation Ministerial Award, Self-Supportedmport and Exoort Enterorise, etc. 0ur company also has qualfications recuired to desian and manufacture Class D pressure vessels, certificatesfor ISO9001 Quality Management System, IS014001 Environmental Management System, and 0HSAS18001 0ccupational Health and SafetyManagement System, and CE certification for some of the products.

ISO/IEC 27001:2013 JINGLIN Umbrella Certificate and Sub-certificates
AAA Credible Enterprise, AAA Qualfied Enterprise, Listed Company of the Provincial Equity Center, Drafting Company ofthe industry Standards
Patent Certificate